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High-value accounts

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High-value accounts filter #

This example shows a filter that finds Account records in specific states that have produced closed Opportunities worth $10,000 or more.

The filter includes four terms.

  • The Account’s Billing State term requires the Billing State to be one of CA, NV or OR.
  • The two Opportunity terms applied to Closed and Close Date, in effect, find all related Opportunities which are closed and have a close date this year.
  • The Opportunity Amount term applies the Sum metric, so it finds accounts whose total Opportunity value is at least $10,000. (If you want to know how to set this metric filter term, please watch this demo.)

Notice the filtering applied to related Opportunity records. The two filter terms on the Opportunity.Closed and Opportunity.Close Date fields, taken together, ensure that only closed Opportunitues that closed this year are retrieved. We next obtain the total Amount of those retrieved Opportunities, and then retrieve the Accounts for those Opportunities. Finally, we restrict the result to accounts in the selected Billing States.

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