Wrapping up 2017 #
As we wrap up 2017, we want to say thanks to you, our customers, partners and friends, for your thoughtful comments, feedback and encouragement that have made us what we are today. To show that gratitude, we thought to compile a list of all the features that we have added to our various product offerings, so that you can make better use of them. This helps us see what is important to our users and how we can improve. So, thank you! Here is the list.
Apsona for Salesforce #
Our flagship product saw its share of enhancements:
- Drill-up, drill-down and mass-add capabilities are available from within the Tools menu in both console and list views. See this article.
- “More” menu in the menu bar, to the left of the Settings menu, offering access to the additional visible objects that aren’t already in the menu bar.
- Only visible objects are used in multi-step reports, even for admins. Previously, this wasn’t fully enforced, and now that it is, the app as a whole is a little faster and less resource-intensive. See this article.
- Support for browser history: The browser’s back and forward buttons were completely non-functional earlier. They are now supported, so that you can use them to go back and forth between the different Apsona views.
- Searchable filters box: The filters dropdown in the console (“All records”) view, the tabular view and calendar view are now a searchable box instead of a simple list.
- Managing Document records: You can now manage Document records, including upload/download/replace, by adding the Document object to your menu bar or clicking the Document-related items in the More menu. See this article for details.
- Sharing of Apsona Item records: You can enable sharing rules for the Apsona Item object if you want very fine-grain control of the items visible to non-administrators. See this article.
- “Sender” choice in the Compose email popup: When composing and sending email to Contacts or Leads via Tools – Compose Email, you can now select the Sender to be either the logged-in user or or an org-wide email address.
- Support for the Salesforce Lightning Experience, as described in this article.
Reporting #
Several enhancements are available in both single-step reports and multi-step reports:
- Better way to add fields: The mechanism for adding new fields to single- or multi-step reports is updated so that you can add several fields without having to re-click the field chooser every time. See this article.
- More metrics in single- and multi-step reports:
- Count of true values for boolean fields
- “Count distinct” for string, picklist, date and datetime fields
- Non-lookup linkages in multi-step reports: You can now set up linkages that don’t use lookup fields – useful for comparison table reports. This feature enables a wide range of new uses for multi-step reports. See this article.
- Row-level calculations such as
: Calculated values in reports can now use functions that use data from multiple rows, instead of just the current row. A common example is finding the running sum. See this link. - “Change filters” button for single-step reports: when running a single-step report, you can temporarily change its filter criteria via the “Change filters” button and run the report without saving it.
- “Incremental” running of single-step reports: By just clicking “Run” instead of “Save and run” you can run a single-step report without saving the changes you made to the report.
- Reporting API: You can create custom Visualforce pages with layouts the way you want, with data extracted via Apsona’s reports, via the new reporting API. See this article.
Document and email generation #
Our document generation add-on enables you to produce Word, Excel and PDF documents as well as e-mail from your Salesforce data. Here are some of the new features in this product.
- Attach and download in one run: When generating Word or PDF documents, generated attachments are now available for download in the same run. This wasn’t the case before: If your merge action involved attaching to records, you had to run it separately, once for download and once for attaching.
- Dynamic images in Word and PDF: There is now better support for including dynamic images (i.e., from data URLs). See this article.
- Date formatting in Word and PDF: You can now set the format of each date separately in your generated document. See this link.
- SUM(ABOVE) in Word and PDF: This provides another way to calculate totals in Word and PDF documents. See this link.
- When an action is selected, more info about it is shown right underneath it.
- Excel record limit: Can use up to 100k records when generating Excel
- Naming dynamically-generated email attachments: You can now control the names used for email attachments. See this link.
- Record attachments can be included as part of outbound emails. See this article.
- Conditional templates: There are two new ways to introduce conditional logic into your Word templates. One is to use conditional templates – see this article. The other is to use IF-THEN-ELSE constructs – see this article.
Batch Gift Entry #
The batch gift-entry add-on for our non-profit customers saw some enhancements added to it:
- A configuration popup that lets you set organization-wide configuration options
- A search box for quickly finding fields in the Batch creation popup
- Support for the iATS credit card processor: see this article.
- “Copy batch items” option when cloning a batch
More details in this article.