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Recent changes

Apsona #

  • This release brings several enhancements and improvements to make the user experience even better in terms of user interface, improved navigation, updated visuals, bug fixes, and enhanced look and feel.
  • Enable the use of capital letters in email addresses when importing data.
  • Allow for the use of newer Salesforce objects and packages by upgrading the SOAP API version has been upgraded from 57 to 59.
  • Updated licensing renewal flows for certain products to standardize our process. 
  • The accessibility issue with Apsona header links on small desktop devices has been resolved.
  • Now, record details are displayed fully when hovering over a record in month and week calendar views.
  • Fixed a bug where in certain cases in form dialogs, the label of a field overlapped with its corresponding input box.
  • Resolved intermittent issue where subtab records were not visible in the Apsona console view.

Document Merge #

  • Show accurate error messages if images are not retrieved properly during the document generation from Single Step Reports.
  • Provide correct warnings for large templates that can cause degraded performance.
  • Add a progress indicator during generation of docx files, showing users the number of files processed out of the total number of records, such as “Completed 3 of 120.”

Scheduler #

  • The auto-termination time for scheduler requests has been extended from 30 to 60 minutes. Any scheduler request exceeding 60 minutes will be terminated.

Dedupe & Match #

  • Exact match search in Dedupe actions properly finds results.

Grids #

  • In Grids > Format Rules, the issue where the right side operand was not updating dynamically based on the operator has been resolved. This problem was specifically related to the default field appearing first in the Format Rule.

Charts & Dashboards #

  • Fixed a bug where text overlapped data in Charts and Dashboards.

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