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Apsona products compared with DemandTools

Here is a brief comparison of the features offered by DemandTools and corresponding Apsona products. Please contact us if you have questions.

Feature Demand Tools Apsona
Grid layout Yes – Power Grid Yes – Tabular views 1
Import CSV data into native and custom objects Yes – People Import and related tools Yes 1
Filter and mass update a range of data records Yes Yes 1
Filter and export a range of data records Yes Yes 1
Filter and mass delete a range of data records Yes Yes 1
Match externally-created CSV file against Salesforce object’s records Yes – Find ID Yes – Match CSV feature 2
Single-table deduplication of all objects – native and custom Yes Yes 2


  1. Part of our core product Apsona for Salesforce
  2. Part of our Dedupe and Match add-on

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